Saturday, February 11, 2012

Has Casey Anthony Started An Epidemic?

Every day I see news strories that involve young children who go missing, are kidnapped, or murdered. It breaks my heart to know that the majority of these unthinkable tragedies happen at the hands of their own parents. What would ever cause a person to harm a child, ESPECIALLY their own child? Are the laws that cover these crimes not doing enough to protect our children? If you ask me, I would say no, they are not. Something needs to change-now.

Last summer, I sat (along with many others across the nation) and watched the trial of Casey Anthony. She was accused of killing her own 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, and throwing her into the woods like a piece of trash. Caylee was missing from June 2008 through December 2008 when her body was finally found. The evidence all pointed to her mother, yet somehow a panel of 12 jurors found her "not guilty". I remember staring at my computer, in complete disbelief as the verdict was read. I felt sick to my stomach. I never knew little Caylee, but I wanted so badly for her to get the justice she deserved. Instead, Casey walks free, patiently waiting for the first multi-million dollar interview deal to come her way. She will become wealthy, and worst of all, "famous" for murdering her innocent child. What influence has this made on other preditors and parents who want to "get rid" of their children?

After Casey Anthony was aquitted, I began to hear more and more stories with all too familiar similarities. Take a look at Nancy Grace's Facebook page. It seems like there is at least one child who goes missing every week. Many of the parents have the same story that Casey had: "I don't know what happened to him/her". Days, weeks, and months often go by with no clues to the events that led to the chlid's disappearance. We all know that as time passes, the opportunity to gather important evidence also passes. Without enough evidence, the murderers will walk free, just as Casey did.

So, what can we do? First off, I think the double jepardy law needs to be changed. Why can't a person, who was previously aquitted of murder, go back on trial if new evidence is found? I don't care how much money is spent of tax-payers money. Don't we want these monsters put away so they are never able to harm another child? I would hope so. Secondly, maybe the laws surrounding child abduction and murder need to be changed. There should be stiffer penalties put in place. In my opinion, automatic death penalty for a crime involving the death of a child might be just what this country needs.  Whatever it is, something needs to be done.

Here is a picture of beautiful little Caylee Anthony. Gone but never forgotten. Many people are still fighting for your rights every day, Caylee. You have created a movement. R.I.P baby girl.

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