Sunday, February 26, 2012

Effects Of Early Learning

I have always been big on "teach your children as much as you can at an early age", but how much does it really help them in the future? Are they getting an early start to a successful life? I like to think so.

I started reading to Kylee before she was born. I would sing to her and read bedtime stories while she was still in the womb. Today, she is a happy,curious little reader who has her own personal at-home library. I started pointing out colors and shapes everywhere we went once she turned about 18 months. I would ask her everyday what colors things were and until a few months ago, she really wasn't sure. That means that it took 1 year (or close to it) before she remembered and could recite all of them by name, I feel as though this happens to a lot of parents and they give up thinking it is not helping. I believe young children absorb all of the information they are told, and when they are ready, they will share it with you.

I have been doing MotherGoose preschool curriculum with my daycare kids and it amazes me everyday at how much they are learning. We have this fun days of the week song and all but a few of my younger children I have can now recite the days of week-in the correct order. That is pretty impressive for 2-4 year olds! Kylee also has learned how to spell her name-I am one proud mommy!

So, do you believe teaching these basic concepts at an early age has a big impact in their future? I think if more parents took the time and were patient, they would be amazed with the results of their little learners!

Here is a photo I took of the President's Day masks my daycare kids did last week. They learned all about President Lincoln! I wish I would have got a picture of them holding them up to their faces-they all looked so cute. :)

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