Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm Going Back....

Where to start? Hmmmm.

Well, first off, this is not my first time attending college. I graduated with a Diploma from Southeast Technical almost three years ago. I am now considered to be "trained" to be a Medical Secretary. The bad part... That is not what I want to do for a career. At the time, it seemed like a great choice. I was currently a Receptionist and the company I worked for would pay for my college courses since it would benefit my current position. Before I had even graduated I knew I had made a mistake, but once I start something, I always finish. So... I continued on.

By the time I had graduated, I had a beautiful 3 week old baby girl, Kylee. I could not even handle the thought of leaving her in a daycare. I would miss so many "firsts". Luckily, I have an amazingly supportive husband and he allowed me to start a daycare business. This was great! I could stay home with my new baby and still bring in a decent income. The bonus, I love children!

Fast forward 2 years. Kenny and I decide to have another child. After a LONG 9 months (actually 10), our newest little bundle of love, Kendall arrives. She is beautiful. :) I am still doing daycare, but I had been thinking about returning to school for about 6 months. Something in my life is "missing". I had the feeling like I was/am meant to do more.

I have always admired nurses. They are so caring and although many do not realize it, they have such a huge impact in so many people's lives. I remember the exact "moment" that I decided I wanted to become a nurse.  It was the day our second daughter was born. My nurse was amazing. She was by my side the entire day, talked me through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. The moment Kendall came into the world, I remember looking up and her handing her to me with a big smile on here face saying "Congratulations, she is beautiful". Simple, but she was so genuine. She was part of one of the most magical moments in my life and probably doesn't even know it. That is what I wanted to do, become a nurse.

So, here I am. Starting another chapter. Taking on a huge challenge. I know it will not be easy, but I am ready. I want to better my life, but most of all, I want to better my children's lives. These two little girls are my reason for everything. They are my world. <3 Continuing my education is going to benefit my family. Bring it on. :)

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